
April 24, 2012


What does that word mean?
I found this really funny post on FB.
I'll share it with you.
But really. I hear people talk all the time about them. No I'm not talking about swinging or swingers.

I'm taking two guys and a girl.
I've thought about it alot.
And I've seriously considered it.
I just don't know. If I could do it.
I'm pretty self conscious.
It's different to post photos of yourself but to have some one see u in person
Hmmmm not so sure about that.

And I'm so picky
I don't know if I could find two guys worthy.
I ment one guy
Cause of course the other one would be the sportsman . Duh
That would be silly. To not have the sportsman participate . Right.
Ha ha

Soooo anyways it's still something I'm considering. It's just been put on the back burner. For now.


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